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Introducing (se)® LAB

WHAT IS (se)® LAB?

(se)® LAB stands for Learn. Apply. Balance. 

We created a platform for our patients to connect to the wisdom of their own bodies as a companion to their treatments in the clinic. Along the way, we realized that the content is really for everyone, not just our patients.

Here is a good way to think about it...your patients are spending a good amount of money for treatment, but as soon as they step out of the clinic they go back to doing the same repetitive movements. So as a therapist, it's key to emphasize the importance of learning, applying, and balancing the body outside of the clinic

When creating (se)® LAB, we didn't want to create a bunch of PDF's with corrective exercises on them. We knew that wouldn't be enough, so instead we focused on these key areas: Lifestyle, Self Care & Exercises. We've spent months creating this platform so we could educate patients and make it easier for therapists to get better patient outcomes outside of the treatment room.

For $19/month, patients have access to recipes, nutrition tips, self-care releases and most importantly corrective exercises to help their bodies stay in alignment longer. 


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