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5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine

Get ready for the new sports season and clean up your fitness routine with these fun tips

Stay on Track with Your Health and Wellness Resolutions in 2019

As you tackle your health and wellness resolutions, Structural Elements® is here to help support your goals and promote a healthier lifestyle

Fascinating Fascia and How it Supports You

No doubt about it, we’ve got a lot going on in our lives. So we don't blame you if you haven't given your fascia a second (or first) thought.

Mary Teunis & Her Story of Human Performance Refined®

Structural Elements® is not traditional physical therapy or bodywork. It is a fusion of biomechanical methods, a proprietary approach utilizing the benefits of acupuncture, physical therapy and manual therapy. The treatment model is a highly effective for balancing the structures of the body...

How to Re-Engineer Stress

“Stress analysis is a branch of applied physics that covers the determination of the internal distribution of internal forces in solid objects. It is an essential tool in engineering for the study and design of structures such as tunnels, dams, mechanical parts, and structural frames, under...

30 Day Traction Challenge

The traction exercise helps balance the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which helps regulate our stress response. The ANS is made of two parts; the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Systems. 

The Benefits of Ongoing Care

People go to yoga class to relax, and to keep bodies limber and strong. We all know that going to the gym only three times won’t keep your beach body for long.

Cold Induced Arthritis

The most common scenario that triggers a flare up is a sudden change in atmospheric pressure that results in decreased temperatures and increased moisture. Patients who have maintained active and relatively pain free over the warmer months start showing up on the schedule with complaints of knee...

Our Story

It is at the core of our values to assemble a family of therapists that we can mentor as well as learn from. Together, we can offer true revolutionary care to a meaningful number of patients.

Our Brand

The story behind the Structural Elements®  logo is foundational to our approach. The full logo is a representation of a Tensegrity Model; tensional integrity or floating compression. In architecture this is seen as a balance of compression and tension elements...

To Stretch or Not to Stretch

Who doesn't have tight hamstring muscles? Why are some people constantly injured and others seem to tolerate just about anything?  Many patients ask, “should I be stretching more”, and our answer is often surprising.

A Happy Father's Day

As a father my proudest moments were the births of my children. My wife did all the work, yet I still take most of the credit.


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